Trout Fishing The Cumberland River with KYAfield and! We're trout fishing while drifting down the Cumberland River, catching Brown,…
Kentucky Outdoors Show Week of August 8, 2020
Kentucky Outdoors Show with KYAField and! This week's show features a fishing trip with long time Conservation Officer Major…
Kentucky Outdoors Show New Episode!
Kentucky Outdoors Show New Episode with KYAField and! Week of July 11, 2020 Kentucky Outdoors Show! This week we're…
Kentucky Outdoors Show
Kentucky Outdoors Show with KYAfield and MY724OUTDOORS.COM! On this week's Kentucky Outdoors show we tag along with a Conservation Officer…
Kentucky Outdoors Show Week of May 16 2020
Kentucky Outdoors Show Week of May 16 2020 with KYAfield and! On this week's Kentucky Outdoors Show, we do…
Kentucky Outdoors Show Week of May 11 2020
Kentucky Outdoors Show Week of May 11 2020 with KYAfield and! This week on Kentucky Outdoors Show, we're catching…
Electrofishing for Musky for Stocking in Kentucky
Electrofishing for Musky for Stocking in Kentucky with KYAfield and! Electrofishing for Musky for broodstock. Today we're on the…
Kentucky Outdoors show April 27 2020
Kentucky Outdoors show April 27 2020 with KYAfield and! Big Kentucky Outdoors show this week! We've got a lot…
Setting Up Your Kayak for Fishing
Setting Up Your Kayak for Fishing with KYAfield and! Setting up your kayak isn't hard, and it can make…
Ticks and Tick Diseases
Ticks and Tick Diseases with KYAfield and! We're talking to a few experts to find out all about ticks…