Free Paddlefish Snagging Clinic with Bill Graham at MoConservation and!

Free Paddlefish Snagging Clinic with Bill Graham at MoConservation and!

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer a free paddlefish snagging clinic on Saturday, April 16, in Warsaw. Two sessions will be offered, but space is limited. This clinic is for newcomers to learn about paddlefish snagging and get first-hand experience. Participants will learn about snagging gear and techniques, then go snagging for two hours on the upper end of Lake of the Ozarks.

Free Paddlefish Snagging Clinic with Bill Graham at MoConservation and!
Paddlefishing Fun

Session 1 will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Session 2 will be from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. COVID-19 safety precautions will be followed. Participants are encouraged to register in groups of two to four. Each boat for the fishing outing will include only families or a small number of friends who have signed up as a group. This program is offered to first-time participants only. MDC will provide boats and equipment.

Paddlefish are a prehistoric fish and one of Missouri’s largest. They filter feed on plankton and other small organisms. In the spring, they make spawning runs upstream. At Warsaw, their upstream migration out of Lake of the Ozarks is blocked by the dam for Truman Lake. The paddlefish fishery that anglers enjoy is sustained by MDC stockings of hatchery-reared paddlefish.

Participants must have a valid Missouri fishing permit unless they fall in an exemption category. Life jackets are required when on the water. Life jackets will be available, or participants can bring their own.  Youths 17 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Besides snagging tips, participants will learn how to clean paddlefish. Attendees will meet in the Harbor Room in the lakeside Warsaw Community Building.

Registration is required and will begin at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, March 9. To register, call 660-530-5500. For more information, contact Trish Yasger, MDC fisheries management biologist, at [email protected]

missouri paddlefish

Sharklike, with a greatly elongated paddle-like snout. Bluish-gray to blackish on back, grading to white on belly. Snout in small individuals is more 1/3 of the fish’s total length. Mouth is large, lacks teeth (in adults) and is far back beneath the head. Eyes small, just above the front edge of the mouth and directed down and forward instead of to the side. Gill cover has a fleshy, pointed flap. Tail is forked, the upper lobe longer than the lower. No scales, except for a patch on the tail.

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