Fall Crappie Fishing with MoFisher, PFGFishing and my724outdoors.com!

Fall Crappie Fishing with MoFisher, PFGFishing and my724outdoors.com!

Fall Crappie Fishing can call for different tactics depending on many factors. Water temperature, the depth the fish are at and water conditions all play a role in determining where the fish are and what to use to catch them. MoFisher and PFGFishing hit Rend Lake in Southern Illinois on a sunny fall day, 50 degrees air temp and relatively calm conditions.

Using jigs instead of minnows, they got on the fish and were able to bring in a good amount of crappie. Rend Lake is a 13-mile long, 3-mile wide reservoir located in Southern Illinois in Franklin and Jefferson Counties near the town of Benton. It contains 18,900 acres of water, stores 185,000 acre-feet of water, and an average mean depth of 9.7 feet.

Fall Crappie Fishing with MoFisher, PFGFishing

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