Do This To Catch Crappie From The Bank with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! Crappie fishing from the…
AWESOME New Fishing Hacks You Will Want NOW
AWESOME New Fishing Hacks You Will Want NOW with Fishin N Stuff and! Here are new fishing hacks that…
BIG Smallmouth Bass Cannot Resist This Lure Creek Fishing
BIG Smallmouth Bass Cannot Resist This Lure Creek Fishing with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! Creek fishing for…
Patterns Are KEY To Successful Crappie Fishing
Patterns Are KEY To Successful Crappie Fishing with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! Why are patterns so important…
DIY PVC Fishing Hacks That You Will LOVE
DIY PVC Fishing Hacks That You Will LOVE with Fishin N Stuff and! These inexpensive fishing hacks are great!…
Catch BIG Panfish From The Bank This Winter
Catch BIG Panfish From The Bank This Winter with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! BIG panfish are easier…
The EASY Way To Catch HUGE AMOUNT Of Bluegill
The EASY Way To Catch HUGE AMOUNT Of Bluegill with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! Bluegill fishing in…
Vertical Jigging For Crappie With BRUSHPILE JIGS
Vertical Jigging For Crappie With BRUSHPILE JIGS with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! Here is how to catch…
Catch LOADS Of Bluegill The Easy Way
Catch LOADS Of Bluegill The Easy Way with Richard Gene the Fishing Machine and! This is an easy way…
Inexpensive Bait Is a Crappie Killing Machine
Inexpensive Bait Is a Crappie Killing Machine With Richard Gene The Fishing Machine and! Richard shows us an inexpensive…