Bank Fishing for GIANT CATFISH on the Mississippi River with Outside The Levees and!

Bank Fishing for GIANT CATFISH on the Mississippi River with Outside The Levees and!

Don’t Miss The Catch and Cook at the end of this video!

Catching giant catfish in the Mississippi River is a thrilling endeavor that requires understanding the river’s dynamics and employing effective fishing techniques. The Mississippi River, known for its deep channels and strong currents, is home to species like blue catfish, flathead catfish, and channel catfish. To increase your chances of landing a trophy catfish, focus on deep water areas where these fish are known to congregate, especially behind structures like dikes and points that create eddies and deep holes. Utilizing large baits such as skipjack herring, shad, or live bullheads can attract bigger catfish. Employing heavy-duty tackle, including braided lines of at least 65-pound test and robust rods designed for catfishing, is essential to handle the powerful runs of these fish. Additionally, fishing during periods of lower water levels can be advantageous, as the reduced current makes it easier to locate and target deep holes where catfish are more likely to be found.

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