Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter On The Meramec River with Sasquatch Theory and my724outdoors.com!

Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter On The Meramec River with Sasquatch Theory and my724outdoors.com!

I interview Jim from Missouri! He had a terrifying Bigfoot experience off of the Meramec River in Missouri near Meramec Springs! Meramec Springs feeds into the Meramec River and it is one of the best places to go trout fishing in Missouri! The trout hatchery is an amazing place to visit and you won’t be disappointed as its beauty is breathtaking!

This specific area is where I have had some terrifying Bigfoot encounters and experiences in the past! If you listen to my channel you will hear me talk about the black creature on all fours that stood up and slowly hid behind a large oak tree. I have also been followed out of the conservation area one night after bow hunting. The creature paced me almost all the way to the parking lot. I would walk and it would walk. I would stop and it would stop and so on. Jim was camping with friends off of the Meramec River down from the spring when they experienced some terrifying activity!

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