What Do Pawpaws Really Taste Like? with Parkrose Permaculture and my724outdoors.com!
Since we have been posting a lot about Missouri’s native fruit lately, we thought we would post this review of how PAWPAWS really taste! What does a Pawpaw actually taste like? It’s important to know you actually LIKE a fruit before you decide to buy its tree (or trees, in this case, since it takes two to get fruit), plant it, tend it for half a decade, patiently waiting for your first harvest. If you can find someone local who grows pawpaws, it’s best to try before you plant them in your garden. Since many folks don’t have the ability to taste-test pawpaws, y’all asked us to taste test them. Let’s do it: Ruth, Bea, and I will do our best to to describe their aroma and flavor for you! Books on PawPaws (I get a small commission if you purchase through these links): Pawpaws: The Complete Growing and Marketing Guide Kindle: https://amzn.to/3TfLqTU Paperback: https://amzn.to/3EyliQ3
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