Did Scott see Skunk Ape Tracks and sight one in this Backwoods Adventure? with Backwoods Florida Adventures and my724outdoors.com!
Did Scott see Skunk Ape Tracks and sight one in this Backwoods Adventure? Check out what I saw way out in the Swamps of Florida while turkey hunting. I can’t find a logical explanation for what I saw, and have been back to this place several times since and I have not seen the same thing. I have trail cams in this area, so we will see if we can explain it later. For now, you make the call. Skunk Apes are the Florida version of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. They got their name from the terrible odor that people that have encountered them report. I wasn’t close enough to confirm that. I’m not saying that I believe they exist, just showing you what I saw. You be the judge!
Scott from Backwoods Florida Adventures, also has Backwoods Gourmet, featuring great how to videos of cooking with cast iron.
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