Dynamax Isata 4WD Super C Review! with Matt’s RV Reviews and my724outdoors.com!
This Dynmax Isata Super C is 4WD! super off grid Rv.
Isata 5 Series Class C Motorhome
The Isata 5 Series Class C Motorhome pairs luxury living with a powerful Cummins diesel and best in class towing. You no longer have to choose who or what gets left behind. Behind the wheel of the Isata 5 Series, you’ll enjoy familiar and extremely comfortable truck cab and you’ll find yourself making up reasons for just one more trip.
- 6.7L I6 Cummins Turbo Diesel
- Multiplex® Wiring with Touch Screen Command Center, Back-Lit Switch Panels, and Bluetooth® Smart Phone App Control
- Aluminum Truss-Structured Roof with One-Piece, Crowned Fiberglass Skin
- Dual-Pitch, Armless Awning with Motion-Activated Retraction
- 10,000 lb Hitch
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