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Kayak Fishing for Bass

Kayak Fishing for Bass with Midwest Bass Hunter and!

All day Kayak fishing and here are the ones that didn't get away. A fun day with the Kayak brought out some fish. Kayak fishing is a fun way to get on the water and catch fish.

Some Basics

If you want to fish remote waters or target skittish fish species in shallow water, then you should learn how to fish from a kayak. Kayaks are quiet, easy to transport, simple to use, and can help you get plenty of upper-body exercise while on the water. By learning some basic kayak fishing tips, you can start fishing from a kayak in freshwater lakes and rivers to target species like largemouth bass or in saltwater estuaries for species like red drum and spotted seatrout.


Kayak fishing is a fun and adventurous sport that offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature. If you are new to kayak angling, don't worry; you can be out on the water fishing in a kayak in no time. However, it is important to remember that because kayaks are paddle-powered, you will need a certain amount of strength to safely paddle your vessel over the waves.

  1. Select the right type of kayak. When selecting a kayak for fishing, you'll need to think about size and width. Most fishing kayaks are between 10 and 14 feet. Shorter kayaks are easier to maneuver but are made for just a single passenger. When it comes to width, wider kayaks offer more stability on the water while narrower kayaks allow you to paddle faster. Stability is an important factor to consider if you are new to the experience of fishing from a kayak. You should also make sure that there is enough room on the kayak to mount fishing rod holders and store tackle.
  2. Wear moisture-wicking clothes. You are much closer to the water in a kayak, so be prepared to get wet every once and awhile. It's a good idea to wear moisture-wicking clothing that dries quickly and have a dry change of clothes stored in a waterproof bag or box. Check the kayak fishing gear you can take to your next fishing trip.
  3. Practice just paddling. If you haven't used a kayak before, practice paddling and navigating your kayak on a familiar waterway near your home. This way, you can gain experience and confidence before bringing your fishing rods aboard.
  4. Use a paddle leash. Check to see if your kayak comes with a paddle leash. If not, may want to consider buying one so that your paddle stays secured to a cleat or eyelet while you are fighting a fish.