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Wait Till You See This Strange and Unusual Museum

Wait Till You See This Strange and Unusual Museum with The Carpetbagger and!

Are you ready to become an EXPLORER of the Planet!? LOST PLANET is an interactive art SELFIE ADVENTURE - That means interactive scenes you can jump, climb, crawl & pose in with your camera! Our selfie adventure is similar to a "selfie museum" but combined with "interactive art" (art you can touch, move, explore, climb in, draw on & more). The Planet offers 20+ different scenes & worlds to explore. - Walk in paintings, massive sculptures & immersive worlds - Like adult-sized foam pits, bungee maze, lazer hall and BUTTS... lots of BUTTS. All exhibits are designed with your camera in mind for use with pictures, videos, slow-mo, boomerangs etc. And the planet encourages use of all social media - tiktoks, Instagram, snap chat, Facebook etc. An experience designed to explore art with you and your camera. Our Landing Team is always nearby to help explorers discover the planet!