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Visiting Bearizona, Bedrock City & The Grand Canyon

Visiting Bearizona, Bedrock City & The Grand Canyon with the carpetbagger and!

You read that correctly, Visiting Bearizona. What is it? A super cool attraction, a drive through park in Arizona featuring... you guessed it! BEARS! Then it's on to see Fred and Wilma at Bedrock City and on to the Grand Canyon! Finally ending up in Las Vegas for a well deserved rest. Get Ready for a whirlwind trip with The Carpetbagger!


Bearizona invites guests to drive into the Arizona wilderness and witness animals in natural habitats - all from their own private vehicle or motor coach. Drive through as many times as you would like before leaving the park. There is no re-entry once you exit the park. 

Drive through the Arizona wilderness viewing our varied collection of North American animals from the comfort and safety of your own vehicle. Get up-close to these otherwise elusive animals during our three-mile drive at your own pace.

View animals ranging from rugged mountain goats and stealthy wolves to majestic bison and comical black bears - all from the comfort of your own private vehicle.


Most vehicles can drive through Bearizona’s well-maintained roads. Each vehicle must be completely enclosed and have operational windows.


Bedrock City at Raptor ranch

Come by the Ranch and drop into Bedrock City! We are keeping it open indefinitely so everyone can now see this historic cartoon landmark from the 1970's.

The city is open during our normal 8am - Sunset hours, 7 days a week.

Raptor Ranch - Grand Canyon Premier Natural Attraction!

There’s Something Wild in the Air. We are a Birds of Prey park with an RV and Tent Campground located Just 24 Miles from The South Rim Entrance of the Grand Canyon.We have Live Raptor Flying Demonstrations, Falconry Courses, Food, Fun and More Every Day at the Ranch!

All these attractions and more await you as you travel around Bearizona and the Grand Canyon! Make this year, the year you get out west!