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Smokey Mountains Overland Adventure

Smokey Mountains Overland Adventure with Backwoods Florida Adventures and!

Join me for a trip to the Smokey Mountains. This was a great trip back in the fall. Halloween has been the best time to go for the past few years. The trees are peaking and the weather is great for camping.

About the Smokey Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains National Park preserves a rich cultural tapestry of Southern Appalachian history. The mountains have had a long human history spanning thousands of years-from the prehistoric Paleo Indians to early European settlement in the 1800s to loggers and Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees in the 20th century.

The park strives to protect the historic structures, landscapes, and artifacts that tell the varied stories of people who once called these mountains home. To learn more, read bout the people who protect the cultural resource of the park, or check out our collections, which include the research library and the Database of the Smokies.