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All about Roswell

All about Roswell with The Carpetbagger and!

Today is all about Roswell! The International UFO Museum, The Spacezone, The UFO McDonalds & alot more! The International UFO Museum And Research Center is located in Roswell, New Mexico, United States, in the downtown district, and is focused largely on the 1947 Roswell Crash and later supposed UFO incidents in the United States and elsewhere. 

See the Roswell mystery

in a different light

Step into the temporal vortex field of the Paisley-Horvak TVG9000. See into Roswell's past. when the future was beginning; then watch the future unfold, becoming a spectacular panorama of outer space viewed from the deck of an alien starship.

At the Roswell Space Center
116 East 2nd Street Roswell, New Mexico USA

Roswell Alien
Roswell NM

For our limited attention span, perhaps the most satisfying attractions in Roswell is Area 51 at the Alien Zone cafe and gift shop. It was built in 1998 by Randy Reeves, a commercial artist and pastor of Roswell's Washington Avenue Baptist Church. "Families with kids were coming to town and they were bored with the UFO Museum," said Elsie Reeves, Randy's wife. "We decided we'd become like the Hollywood part, where they can become part of the story."

To that end, visitors to Area 51 are encouraged to pose for photos with dummy aliens in about twenty different life-size dioramas: a crashed saucer scene (you can crawl into the saucer), an alien in an upside-down room, an alien at a bar-b-que, in a jail, in an outhouse. Particularly memorable is the "alien autopsy" scene, complete with bloodied plastic meat cleavers that you can hold aloft.